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Cod. NOV242002
ISBN: 1975376447
‘To uncover the secrets of the Voids, Leonis and his companions visited the ruins of the abandoned Rognas Kingdom’s capital. Though they managed to reunite safely with the kidnapped Riselia, they are soon confronted by the Apostle Nefakess and the Deus Machina, Schwertleite. Amid the fierce battle, a spitting image of Leonis from 1000 years ago appears, heralding even greater chaos. Meanwhile, Elfiné and Shary begin to gather their forces, each with their own goal.’
L’idea che ti manca
Via Togliatti 32
Mazzo di Rho, MI
Telefono: 0293906481
Orario: Lun. – Sab. 10:00-19:00
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