2 disponibili
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Cod. JUL247077
ISBN: 76194134174311900
THE FINAL ISSUE OF TOM TAYLOR AND BRUNO REDONDO’S AWARD-WINNING RUN! Embark on an exhilarating journey through the streets of Blüdhaven as we bid a heartfelt farewell to the dynamic duo of Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo in the epic conclusion to their award-winning run. With Nightwing’s fear of heights overcome, he returns to Bludhaven for one final face-off with Heartless and Tony Zucco. It’s the battle you’ve all been waiting for! And if we’ve learned anything from Nightwing these last couple of years, we know he never has to do it alone. One thing’s for certain though, Bludhaven will never be the same after this!
L’idea che ti manca
Via Togliatti 32
Mazzo di Rho, MI
Telefono: 0293906481
Orario: Lun. – Sab. 10:00-19:00
L’idea che ti manca – Partita IVA 05721650967 – C.F. CHRLCU76T30L219F – Iscrizione C.C. 1849039 Milano del 03/07/2007