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Cod. DEC240116
ISBN: 84428401098608021
The epic conclusion to Greg Pak and Diego Galindo’s fantasy saga is finally here! Sung wants to free everyone, and desperately fights to find the witch again in the hopes of lifting the curse. But what he learns about the nature of the curse will change everything. In the face of overwhelming odds, Sung finds himself at a pivotal juncture, with nothing less than his entire world in the balance!
L’idea che ti manca
Via Togliatti 32
Mazzo di Rho, MI
Telefono: 0293906481
Orario: Lun. – Sab. 10:00-19:00
L’idea che ti manca – Partita IVA 05721650967 – C.F. CHRLCU76T30L219F – Iscrizione C.C. 1849039 Milano del 03/07/2007