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Cod. AUG247053
ISBN: 76194137950001900
THE MANY DEATHS OF DOOMSDAY! Superman and Superwoman must deal with the return of the rampaging Doomsday and…wait…Superwoman?! After the events of Absolute Power, Lois Lane has new powers…but how long can they last?! And waiting in the shadows is one of Superman’s greatest enemies…the Time Trapper. Jump on to a new exciting story arc that will shape the future of Superman!
L’idea che ti manca
Via Togliatti 32
Mazzo di Rho, MI
Telefono: 0293906481
Orario: Lun. – Sab. 10:00-19:00
L’idea che ti manca – Partita IVA 05721650967 – C.F. CHRLCU76T30L219F – Iscrizione C.C. 1849039 Milano del 03/07/2007